The curious case of the missing socks | Eduardo Briceño

The curious case of the missing socks

Recently I submitted a formal complaint to Allison that I couldn’t find any of my white socks.  I suspected she may have been throwing them out as she found holes in them.  I couldn’t fathom where they could be otherwise.  I was definitely missing a lot of socks.

One day Allison went to Costco for other stuff and got me socks.  She earned points.

Today, as I was preparing for Tough Mudder tomorrow, I emptied my gym bag to repack it.  Apparently I had been packing a pair of socks in it every time I went to the gym, whether or not I had showered at the gym the prior session.  I had 10 pairs of white socks and 1 pair of dark socks in the gym bag.

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