Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator | Eduardo Briceño

“I wholeheartedly endorse Eduardo as a speaker and facilitator. He deeply understands my growth mindset research and related psychology, and presents it in an instructive, engaging, and actionable way to diverse audiences.”

— Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

Discover The Formula for Learning and High Performance

Growth Mindset

We can change and grow

Learning Zone

We know how to grow

Shared Why

We have a shared purpose

we become unstoppable

There’s so much more to work and life.
Develop greater purpose, joy, growth, and impact.

An expert on growth mindset, learning, and performance, Eduardo has been a featured keynote speaker for hundreds of organizations, including many global brand names such as those shown below. His TED and TEDx talks have been viewed over ten million times.

7 Reasons To Book Eduardo As Your Next Keynote Speaker



Eduardo starts by understanding your context and goals. Then he designs a meaningful and impactful experience, using your setting and guiding language to produce the desired outcomes.



Participants go through an experience rooted in the science of how people engage, learn, and change.



Eduardo uses stories and examples to inspire and paint vivid pictures of the principles and strategies to promote clarity, recall, and alignment.



Participants leave Eduardo’s sessions with new lenses through which they see, which shifts their approaches to work and life.



Eduardo doesn’t speak to audiences, but to participants, whose brains are working throughout the experience, whether through live polling, peer discussions, or Eduardo’s provocations. That is how people generate insights, learn, and change.



While Eduardo is dynamic, engaging, and accessible, his lessons are based on what science has shown to be effective, rather than on platitudes.



Eduardo shares practical, actionable strategies, tools, and examples from high performers that people can start implementing the next day.

Keynote Topics

Eduardo delivers customized keynotes or workshops to serve the goals of organizations looking to accelerate human development, promote collaborative, learning-oriented relationships, and increase performance. He incorporates growth mindset research-based strategies for individuals, professionals, leaders, and executives. All sessions are customized, but topics include:

Signature Topics

Deep-Dive Topics

Mix and match as you’d like! All sessions and programs are customized!

Ready To Book Eduardo?

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“Eduardo was much more than a guest keynote speaker at our Leadership Conference. He became an integral and profound component of the overall conference theme, constructively complementing our forward business strategy and initiatives. Eduardo articulated the growth mindset in clear actionable terms. He effectively engaged our senior leaders while clarifying what a growth mindset is and its impact on organizations that are committed to sustainable growth. Not only did we enjoy how the theme was revealed, but Eduardo, as a skillful speaker, can tell the story from the perspective of a Coca-Cola HBC team member, and emerged into the spotlight our critical areas, helping us internalize what it will take to grow further. We were inspired and energized for more.”

— Keith Sanders, Region 2 Director, Coca-Cola HBC

“To build momentum towards a deeper understanding of growth mindset, we hosted Eduardo at our Expedia Worldwide Engineering Speaker Series. Eduardo is a dynamic presenter and a clear leader in this field. He has inspired us to ensure several efforts are underway to help developers be more productive so they have more time to learn. We know the more time we spend in the learning zone, the more productive and innovative we will be in the long run.”

— Tony Donohoe, SVP and CTO, Expedia Worldwide Engineering

“Eduardo supported our recent launch of our new LXP through a company-wide conversation exploring how we create a culture of lifelong learning at Takeda. His passion, authenticity, and most importantly, learning mindset, clearly shone through the discussion and was extremely well received across Takeda. We are excited to build upon the momentum that he has helped us achieve!”

— Kelly Woltornist, Head of Global Learning, Takeda

“Eduardo had great stage presence and his slides and polling system were great. We would have no hesitation in recommending him. Eduardo was the highest-rated speaker at the event.”

— Ibec team (Ireland’s largest business lobby organization)

“Eduardo Briceño brought it all as a keynote speaker: he knows his stuff, he explained it clearly, and he engaged the audience. We could not have been happier with his presentation. His message of a growth mindset popped up throughout the conference as subsequent speakers referenced back to what he had presented.”

— Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA, CHADD Conference Co-Chair (National ADHD advocacy organization)

“Eduardo – let me add my thanks to you for this remarkable morning. You ARE a great teacher and advocate for a new way of thinking. Our teams are thirsting for these ideas and to have some framework upon which to set goals and measure progress. You were the perfect messenger at the perfect time. Thanks for being a part of the Make-A-Wish family.”

— Richard K. Davis, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish America

The Backstory

(How I Inadvertently Became a Public Speaker)

I grew up an introvert, got trapped into doing what society expected, and through the school of hard knocks, ended up pivoting and becoming a social entrepreneur, still thinking I’d do the work mostly by myself in my office.

In the early days of Mindset Works—the first company to offer growth mindset development services—I was pushing myself in some ways, but not in others. I worked mostly in solitude, which was my comfort zone.

One day, one of our board members advised me to get out of the office and start evangelizing our work more. Two months later, Carol Dweck was asked to deliver a TEDx talk and she couldn’t do it. We decided I would do it instead. The event was only six weeks away.

I had never done any public speaking. The idea of delivering a talk scared me—especially one that would be available online. But I thought that, with the help of colleagues and friends, I could craft a strong, 10-minute script, and then practice it incessantly until I knew it cold. It could be an effective way to expand our impact.

I went through countless iterations of the script, adjusting based on colleagues’ and friends’ feedback. Then I practiced, videotaping myself. I rehearsed in Carol’s office with us refining the script and delivery.

At showtime, when I stepped on the stage, I was surprised to feel calm, knowing that I was well prepared. As I had planned, rather than look at people’s faces, the entire time I looked at the back wall and the spotlights so that I wouldn’t blank out wondering what people’s facial expressions meant.

I got offstage and thought the job was done. I could go back to my office. But the TEDx talk went viral and organizations began reaching out to us for me to deliver keynotes to their staff. It fit our mission and provided a higher level of support to our customers, so I gladly did it.

To my surprise, I began enjoying public speaking. I loved the creativity involved in preparing customized sessions, and the discussions, insights, and deep dives on growth mindset.

Eventually, I developed new frameworks to help organizations grasp the ideas and how to implement them, and I delivered a second TEDx talk about one of those frameworks. TED featured it on their newsletter, homepage, and TED@Work. That second talk went viral too and led to even more interest from more companies.

I have changed so much. I love the work I do as a public speaker, which is very different from when I was comfortable only in solitude (something I do still love as well). But because the conversations are so substantive, the people who gravitate to this work so committed, and the impact so tangible, what I do energizes me and stokes my sense of purpose.

Book Eduardo To Speak