Spotted Archives | Eduardo Briceño


Ooops, I’ll be right back

When keynote to over 200 people yesterday, I told them we would do an activity that involved my reading a passage to them.  I gave them instructions on what to do, and when I looked for the passage, I didn’t have it on me.  There they were waiting for me …

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That’s my suitcase!

As I walked toward the front of the airplane to deplane, I noticed the flight attendant was standing at the end of the corridor, holding my sports coat.  But she was also oddly looking down toward the woman who was walking up the aisle right in front of me.  I …

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Cool kid in the neighborhood

Facebook post from my friend Manny:  “Started distance trails today after steady base building for two months, y estrenando nueva camiseta de La U!!! Was totally feeling like the cool kid in the neighborhood until I noticed I did my run with the store stickers still on the shirt.”  

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Taking in my surroundings

We have an inversion table in our guest bedroom where I meditate every morning for 15 minutes, hanging from my ankles upside down.  When I walk into the room to meditate, I usually close the door, but today I decided to leave it open because Rosie was sitting outside the …

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Walking in peace

I should be able to finally walk in peace, in socks and sandals, without wife criticism, now that we saw Argentina / PSG soccer star Angel Di Maria doing the same last night (when we stalked the Argentina National Team at their hotel).

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Car won’t start

SMS text from my friend Manny: “Walked to the parking lot, unlocked car, got in, wouldn’t turn on, looked around, realized I was in the wrong car.” His wife Diana then suggested he send me that story, as well as the time “he walked into the wrong apartment.”

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