Mistakes Archives | Page 3 of 43 | Eduardo Briceño


It’s chilly in here!

Wife: it’s warm out today, but for some reason I feel cold in here. Husband: Me too! Oh, now that I think about it, I think I know why. Yesterday I turned off the heat to replace the furnace filter and I think I didn’t turn it back on. 

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Backwards pants, backtrack trek

This evening, Allison realized she had spent all day with her pants on backwards. Then she drove to Target, 20 minutes away, and when she parked she realized she didn’t have her purse, so she just came back home. I don’t know where she gets it from. But last weekend …

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New type of hair brush

This is not the instrument I used this morning to brush my teeth. It is the instrument I used this morning to brush my hair, after my comb was nowhere to be found.  I had to use a toothbrush (from the travel bag they gave me in the airplane) to …

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When the perfect meal evaporates

I was so excited for the perfect cachapa.  My mom had cooked it and I had prepared carefully by placing the perfect amount of cheeses on top of it and heated it up in the microwave.  It was going to be delicious. But when I took it out of the …

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