0BestOf Archives | Eduardo Briceño


New type of hair brush

This is not the instrument I used this morning to brush my teeth. It is the instrument I used this morning to brush my hair, after my comb was nowhere to be found.  I had to use a toothbrush (from the travel bag they gave me in the airplane) to …

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Ooops, I’ll be right back

When keynote to over 200 people yesterday, I told them we would do an activity that involved my reading a passage to them.  I gave them instructions on what to do, and when I looked for the passage, I didn’t have it on me.  There they were waiting for me …

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Mother & daughter spice up travel

Yesterday, while passing through security at JFK airport to fly to Denver for Lauren’s bridal shower, Fran realized that her license expires 6/17.  Her flight back is on 6/18.  So she may get stranded in Denver (more time to plan the wedding onsite!) Here’s the text Allison, her sister, and …

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Lamp replacement

Our home came with two new lamps, stored in the laundry room, just like the one that was installed in my office ceiling. This lamp is not found anywhere else in the house, so I assumed that when the light bulbs go out, one has to replace the whole lamp …

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Paused video

After my weekly bootcamp workout, I stopped at home to eat a little protein before running some errands. I ate in the kitchen, quickly, while watching some videos on my phone.  I finished eating, got in the car, exited the garage, closed the garage door, and then realized that my …

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Car won’t start

SMS text from my friend Manny: “Walked to the parking lot, unlocked car, got in, wouldn’t turn on, looked around, realized I was in the wrong car.” His wife Diana then suggested he send me that story, as well as the time “he walked into the wrong apartment.”

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Immigration free-for-all

We arrived at the Dominican Republic, went through immigration, then customs, and met our driver right outside the airport.  He said it was a good time to go to the bathroom as we had an hour drive ahead of us.  I went to the bathroom and when I came out, …

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Roller bag disapparate

My habit in airports is that whenever I get up to move from one place to another, I count the things I have with me, to make sure I have everything I’m supposed to have. I’m usually good about it, but today I was not, and all of a sudden …

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