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Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub


The Ballad of Billy The Kid

The Ballad of Billy The Kid, by Billy Joel, is playing. Wife: Did you know this song is about Billy The Kid? Me: I didn’t know that. Wife: Yes!  He was from Long Island! Me: Really?  I had no idea! Wife: Yes!  That’s why we love him so much! Me: …

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Kitchen discovery

The wife is cooking. Then the smoke alarms go off. Wife opens up all doors and windows. Smoke alarm keeps going and going. And going. Wife: “Usually these smoke alarms turn off quicker.  They’ve been going a long time now.” Smoke alarm keeps going and going. We worry about the …

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NYC, no pants

A friend traveled from her home in California to New York City for three conferences to realize she had not packed any pants.  The conferences included the United Nations General Assembly and the the Clinton Global Initiative, where she was speaking. “Just arrived in NYC for UNGA, CGI, and Social …

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Which Christmas did you mean?

Three years ago, while my family was visiting us in Texas, my dad bought my sister a Christmas gift: a book.  He gave it to my mom to hide it until Christmas When they got back to Caracas, my mom hid it.  But she hid it so well that she …

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Switching lanes blind

Hah, I wonder whether rear-view mirrors were originally invented to keep the wind out rather than to see backwards.  They’re made out of glass in this 1924 Moon. Then probably someone tried to switch lanes and killed a horse.

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To dress or not to dress

After a weather rerouting to refuel, a flight 3 hrs longer than planned, and tight connection into a changed flight, I finally made it to Harrisburg PA, but my suitcase didn’t (same suitcase with the baggage tag in the wrong place) I’m giving a keynote tomorrow to all of the …

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