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Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub


Immigration free-for-all

We arrived at the Dominican Republic, went through immigration, then customs, and met our driver right outside the airport.  He said it was a good time to go to the bathroom as we had an hour drive ahead of us.  I went to the bathroom and when I came out, …

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Roller bag disapparate

My habit in airports is that whenever I get up to move from one place to another, I count the things I have with me, to make sure I have everything I’m supposed to have. I’m usually good about it, but today I was not, and all of a sudden …

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When pot lid built-in colanders don’t work as planned… or: when innovative shortcut tools become user-fooled longcut mistakes… (I’d like to take credit for cooking but this was another wife masterpiece.)

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I kid you not

I kid you not.  This all happened today: I came home from a business lunch and the dog was nowhere to be found.  I had left her and Allison both at home and neither was home.  I knew Allison was at work and Rosie was supposed to be home. I …

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Soft and crunchy grounds

Allison made a big bowl of popcorn.  She added the condiments, salivating.  Then she grabbed the bowl to take it to the table, bumped the counter, and ALL the popcorn went to the floor.  She was so upset she didn’t make another bowl of popcorn. I was upset she didn’t …

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Wow, this brain is big

Dr. Francis Crick (1916-2004) knew a lot about the human body.  He got the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1962 for co-discovering DNA. Almost 30 years later, he made another discovery, as Dr. Terrence Sejnowski recalls in an interview.  Francis Crick discovered that a model (i.e. plastic) brain that had …

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Rockin’ it behind the wheel

Allison and I got in my car this morning.  As soon as I started it, the radio music came on pretty loud.  Here’s how the conversation went: Wife: Wow, you were rocking it out last night. (I went out with friends for Shanahan’s 40th birthday). Me: Yes, I guess I …

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