What am I doing? Archives | Page 6 of 7 | Eduardo Briceño
CategoryWhat am I doing?


PJs or no PJs?

I got in the car today to go to the bank –keys in ignition– and then I realized that I was in my pajamas.  My next thought was, do I really need to get dressed to go to the bank?  Then I asked myself whether I needed to get dressed …

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Wide open

Allison and I went to the gym today. After working out, we both took showers. When I came out of the shower, I got dressed and walked across the gym to the entrance, where Allison was waiting for me. When she looked at me she covered her eyes and started …

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Two startled

Yesterday I came out of a regular checkup at the doctor’s office into the parking lot.  I clicked my clicker to unlock my car door and tried to open the door but it didn’t open. Then a little vicious dog that was sleeping on the driver seat woke up and …

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Home Depot tour

I went to Home Depot to pick up some utility shelves to store things in the garage, then read that there were two options for what I wanted – 18″ and 24″ depth. I wasn’t sure which one to get, and wanted to get a visual sense.  First I estimated …

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The almost-final beautiful scene

Last night I parked the car on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, crossed the street, and then entered the very pretty park between Embarcadero and Battery.  I was semi- jogging, as I was a few minutes late for dinner with my cousins, but the scene struck me so I stopped, …

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Car closet

Today I came home from a meeting and when I went to hang my sport coat in the bedroom closet, I realized I had left its hanger in the car.  So I went back to the car, as always thinking of something else, and next thing I knew, I found …

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Disappearing sponge

As I was doing the dishes today, I thought of something I needed to do, so I wrote myself a reminder.  I came back to the sink and the sponge had disappeared.  I checked in the dishwasher, the trash compactor, the counter… nothing.  Then I saw the sponge – it …

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Red nose to eyes

Allison told me a nice story today: she was cutting some onions and jalapeños for the gazpacho we had for lunch (delicious!) when she went to the bathroom to blow her nose.  Then she had jalapeño oil on her nose, which itches/burns very bad.  So then she decided to wash …

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