Wife Archives | Page 9 of 10 | Eduardo Briceño


When to listen to the wife

When should one listen to the wife?  It’s complicated. The night before I was to give the TEDx talk, I lay in the hotel room bed at 1am kicking myself.  I had slept a total of three hours and was then wide awake.  Before we went to bed, Allison had …

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Haircuts are overrated

I hadn’t gotten a haircut for longer than usual, and then Allison went abroad for almost a month, which bought me a lot more time avoiding a haircut.  So I hadn’t gotten a haircut in well over two months.  Then two things happened: Our friends Mike and Esther had us …

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Sangría? Denied.

Allison hasn’t found her drivers’ license since she returned from her trip to the Amazon almost two weeks ago.  Since she wouldn’t need it, she left it in a very safe place not even she can find. Today the Amazon trip group met up at a bar to hang out …

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Half-dressed wife

Yesterday at 1pm, after three business meetings including one with the superintendent and other district leadership, as Allison was leaving the bathroom she realized that the back of her dress was zipped up only up to her middle back.  Most of the dress zipper was unzipped and her back was …

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After-dinner run in the rain

Last night Allison and I went out for a great dinner at Seasons 52 (highly recommended!).   The restaurant was at a 10 minute walk from the hotel.  While we were there, it started pouring.  It was supposed to storm all night, so we decided to just run back to …

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Latte Nebula

The wife called as I was one person away from reaching the cashier to order my latte, so I asked her whether she could hold one minute while I ordered a coffee and I’d be right back.  I ordered the coffee.  A half hour later I got a call from …

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Red nose to eyes

Allison told me a nice story today: she was cutting some onions and jalapeños for the gazpacho we had for lunch (delicious!) when she went to the bathroom to blow her nose.  Then she had jalapeño oil on her nose, which itches/burns very bad.  So then she decided to wash …

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