Lost Archives | Page 3 of 6 | Eduardo Briceño


Immigration free-for-all

We arrived at the Dominican Republic, went through immigration, then customs, and met our driver right outside the airport.  He said it was a good time to go to the bathroom as we had an hour drive ahead of us.  I went to the bathroom and when I came out, …

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I kid you not

I kid you not.  This all happened today: I came home from a business lunch and the dog was nowhere to be found.  I had left her and Allison both at home and neither was home.  I knew Allison was at work and Rosie was supposed to be home. I …

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Elusive little flash

Wife: I lost my flash drive. Me: Sorry to hear that. Wife: Can I borrow your flash drive? Me: Sure. Wife: I promise I’ll give it back to you before we leave for Seattle (where we were going to facilitate a workshop). Me: Ok, no problem, here it is. Wife: I’ll …

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Good morning, strangers!

We arrived last night at Allison’s parents’ place for the holidays. This morning, upon waking up, Allison took our dog Rosie for a walk.  When they came back, Allison vaguely noticed that the small SUV outside the house was black, and she thought that her parents’ car was silver.  But …

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Hidden present

Last time my dad was in the U.S., he spent a couple of hours in a bookstore choosing a book to give to my sister for Christmas.  He picked one, took it home with him, and gave it to my mom to put it in a safe place. A few …

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Lost like a wife with no GPS

Coming back from work, Allison was less than 5 minutes away from our home when she decided to avoid a little traffic by making a right turn a block earlier than usual and finding a way around the busy intersection. She got soooo lost, and had such GPS problems, that …

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Pitch black

My parents and sister have been visiting us for the last couple of weeks.  Last night, my dad woke up at 4am needing to go to the bathroom.  It was pitch black, but he managed to walk around with his hands extended, looking for the door to get out of …

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