Lost Archives | Page 2 of 6 | Eduardo Briceño


Found the bread

Four days ago, on Saturday, I went grocery shopping.  After I paid, I clearly remember double-checking that I wasn’t leaving any bags full of food around the checkout counter, which I’ve done before.  Despite that, when I unpacked everything at home, I noticed there was no bread,. even though I …

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Which Christmas did you mean?

Three years ago, while my family was visiting us in Texas, my dad bought my sister a Christmas gift: a book.  He gave it to my mom to hide it until Christmas When they got back to Caracas, my mom hid it.  But she hid it so well that she …

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To dress or not to dress

After a weather rerouting to refuel, a flight 3 hrs longer than planned, and tight connection into a changed flight, I finally made it to Harrisburg PA, but my suitcase didn’t (same suitcase with the baggage tag in the wrong place) I’m giving a keynote tomorrow to all of the …

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Knee distractions

Walking out of my knee doctor’s building, the receptionist asked me: “didn’t you have a backpack?” I had left it back in the consultation room.  (I was going to miss it when I couldn’t find my laptop back at the office 20 minutes away).

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Keys in the sky

After all the passengers had left the plane, the flight attendant found some keys on the floor.  She asked the remaining people (who were staying in the plane for the next leg) whether they belong to anyone.  They did not.  Someone will have trouble getting into their car and home.

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Car won’t start

SMS text from my friend Manny: “Walked to the parking lot, unlocked car, got in, wouldn’t turn on, looked around, realized I was in the wrong car.” His wife Diana then suggested he send me that story, as well as the time “he walked into the wrong apartment.”

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