Clumsy Archives | Eduardo Briceño


So fast so slow

In trying to go too fast, I ended up spending time cleaning… (an act I’ve starred in before) Of course, I did this right after the floors had been vacuumed. On the bright side, I had just finished the granola that was inside the glass jar.

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Hiking on ice

Today we went for a beautiful hike in Santa Fe. Loved it. But there was snow and ice in places.  In one of those spots, Allison, who was walking ahead of me, warned me that it was slippery and to be careful.  So I attended carefully to the ground, then …

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Right side up

When Allison went to feed the dog, she dropped his food bowl. Unfortunately, it landed right side up, making the picture only moderately interesting, especially since it doesn’t show the chicken broth all over the floor.  

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When pot lid built-in colanders don’t work as planned… or: when innovative shortcut tools become user-fooled longcut mistakes… (I’d like to take credit for cooking but this was another wife masterpiece.)

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Soft and crunchy grounds

Allison made a big bowl of popcorn.  She added the condiments, salivating.  Then she grabbed the bowl to take it to the table, bumped the counter, and ALL the popcorn went to the floor.  She was so upset she didn’t make another bowl of popcorn. I was upset she didn’t …

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