Clueless Archives | Page 6 of 7 | Eduardo Briceño


barefoot and cold

This morning Allison left for an overnight writing retreat.  She’ll spend the night in a big, quiet house with other women writing dissertations.  As she was walking out of the house, she asked for my help bringing her numerous bags, with books, computers and clothes, to the car, so I …

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peace at the nursery

Today Allison invited me to work with her at the Belmont library, which is right next to the nursery where I bought a groupon 11 months ago which expires next month.  So I told her I’d drop her off at the library, go buy a plant, and meet her back …

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Oh yeah, you look like a chipmunk

Yesterday, Allison looked at this picture and she asked me whether it was from our trip to LA three months ago. She was off by 12 years. Today we were commenting on that and she said that yes, I look very different – that in this picture I look like …

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got the flight

Today, Allison bought a flight to go to Philadelphia to speak at a conference.  She spent some time researching flights (she was having trouble finding one that worked) and got excited when she found one and bought it.  The only problem is that she bought flight tickets to go to …

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1 hour later, 3 years older

Last night I was speaking with the CEO of a successful charter school network that is doing great work and he told me that he and his wife recently went out to dinner to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary, and that an hour into dinner they realized that it was …

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Decked out for the wedding

Fran and Rich, my in-laws, got showered, decked out with suit and tie and dress and everything, and left for a wedding.  The only problem was that the wedding was not that day.  It was the following day.  It turns out that they were a day ahead of schedule, like …

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The Airport Dance

As I went through security, my bag got held up with the X-Ray machine security officers. That’s when I realized I hadn’t finished drinking all the water in my water bottle. They had to get someone to come retrieve the bottle from my bag. Then she said: Agent: is this …

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I just overhead a girl asking her dad, what’s that say? Dad: It says “H2O.” It’s another word for water. Do you know why? Girl: No, why? Dad: Uhhhh…. Uhhhh…. It’s too complicated.

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Half-dressed wife

Yesterday at 1pm, after three business meetings including one with the superintendent and other district leadership, as Allison was leaving the bathroom she realized that the back of her dress was zipped up only up to her middle back.  Most of the dress zipper was unzipped and her back was …

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Home Depot tour

I went to Home Depot to pick up some utility shelves to store things in the garage, then read that there were two options for what I wanted – 18″ and 24″ depth. I wasn’t sure which one to get, and wanted to get a visual sense.  First I estimated …

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