Lost Archives | Page 5 of 6 | Eduardo Briceño


lost in manhattan

Today I was walking back to my hotel in NYC, thinking of new product ideas, when I realized I had been walking for longer than expected.  I checked my phone and saw I had overshot my hotel by 4-5 blocks.  So I turned around.  At some point I checked my …

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The curious case of the missing socks

Recently I submitted a formal complaint to Allison that I couldn’t find any of my white socks.  I suspected she may have been throwing them out as she found holes in them.  I couldn’t fathom where they could be otherwise.  I was definitely missing a lot of socks. One day …

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Dad’s car keys dance

Yesterday my dad couldn’t find his car keys.  He looked and looked and didn’t find them, so he had to take my mother’s keys to go out for lunch.  Later in the afternoon, after they came back, he kept looking, without success.  Eventually, he went to throw something out in …

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Lonely glasses

As we were about to start our trail run today, we noticed that an absent minded husband had left his glasses in the middle of nowhere.

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Fatherly errands

Today my father left my home with my car to take my mom and sister to the mall and do some errands.  He called me later saying he noticed I had some shirts for dry cleaning in the car, and asked whether I’d like for him to drop off the …

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Do we have all hubcaps?

“I need to ship a box. Can we stop by the post office on our way to the soccer game?“, I said.  Allison said yes.  On our way to the post office, as she was turning on to Walnut Street, she heard something behind the car.  She said she may …

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Picture? Sure…

I came out of one of the presentations at the Napa conference and found Allison working at the outside area by the pool.  ‘Can I take a picture of you?’, I asked.  ‘No’, she said, predictably.   Then she smirked, looked at me, and to my surprise, said, ‘actually, yes, you …

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Again $300

I went to put on my mouthguard as I was going to bed and the case was empty, again.  So I went to the bathroom downstairs, the alternative spot where I keep it, and it wasn’t there either.  For the nth time I was upset because I was convinced I …

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Locked out

Today I got back to my hotel room from dinner and could not find the hotel key anywhere.  I had left it inside the room.

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Lost in words, again

Last night I started reading to Allison the book we’ve been reading together, La Casa de Los Espíritus.  I started reading from where we left off and felt quite lost, even a page into it.  Apparently Allison did too, because she turned to me, looked at the book, and said: …

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