Lost Archives | Eduardo Briceño


New type of hair brush

This is not the instrument I used this morning to brush my teeth. It is the instrument I used this morning to brush my hair, after my comb was nowhere to be found.  I had to use a toothbrush (from the travel bag they gave me in the airplane) to …

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The energy to look for keys

Allison went into my office saying: “Can I borrow your keys to my car?  I can’t find my keys and I don’t have energy to look for them.” Ironically, she was on her way to the gym. So she left with my keys.  Later I saw them by the front …

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The great phone search

Usually when I can’t find my phone around the house, I use another phone to text a special code to my phone that takes it out of silence mode and makes it start ringing, which makes it easy to find.  But this time, right when we were about to go …

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One unfolding surprise after the next

“Be whisked away by one unfolding surprise after the next“, read the brochure for the hotel where my hosts lodged me.  And indeed, I was surprised rather frequently during my stay, mostly by the beautiful artwork all over the place, like this wall one saw upon exiting the elevator on …

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He belongs

And there I was, up in the stands, watching the U2 concert from the distance, while my future brother-in-law was down in the pit, 10 feet from Bono.  I was rooting for him to have a great time, which he did.  Little did I know that that night I’d also …

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