Spotted Archives | Page 3 of 3 | Eduardo Briceño


Happy, hmmm, anniversary???

Me:  Do you want to exchange anniversary cards? Allison:  Sure.  Can you just go throw out all these papers first? Me: Sure. I come back and Allison is frantically writing a card. Allison: I can explain, I can explain.  I did write you a card.  Here, you have two cards …

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Ya’all need help?

“Ya’all need help?” is what a cowboy asked us after everyone around us saw all tangled up at a two-steppin’ class at Electric Cowboy.  We tried a move they taught us but ended up with our arms all crossed and Allison facing the wrong way.

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Me: “Can I have a morning bun please?” Starbucks check-out lady: “Really?  After two bacon and egg sandwiches?”

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Greasy ringing

If I get food onto airplanes, I usually get cold food like fruits and sandwiches, so that it doesn’t smell for other passengers. That’s what I did on my first flight. But I had a tight connection and what I found between flights, in my Chicago connection, was a pizza, …

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I spotted one

Today, while driving to the post office, as I was going down the hill on Sycamore, there was a minivan driving up it, toward me, on my side of the road, veering like there was chaos in the car and with the driver-side door open!  I kid you not.  I …

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