Mess Archives | Page 2 of 5 | Eduardo Briceño



When pot lid built-in colanders don’t work as planned… or: when innovative shortcut tools become user-fooled longcut mistakes… (I’d like to take credit for cooking but this was another wife masterpiece.)

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Soft and crunchy grounds

Allison made a big bowl of popcorn.  She added the condiments, salivating.  Then she grabbed the bowl to take it to the table, bumped the counter, and ALL the popcorn went to the floor.  She was so upset she didn’t make another bowl of popcorn. I was upset she didn’t …

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Got chocolate?

Last weekend we made a quick in-and-out trip to California to look for a place to live.  We found a place we like and I decided to do a little due diligence around the neighborhood, since it’s near a train.  I went to a coffee shop and got a hot …

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Icy floor

Yoram is visiting.  How many Penn students does it take to figure out where to put the bag of ice so that it won’t fall all over the floor? Apparently more than three.

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Omega-3’d Floor

What’s that on the floor?  Termites?  Ant poop?  No.  Flax seed from the wife making smoothies. (Rosie, at the top of the picture, can attest to it)

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3 sticks

Thought: Hah, I never realized that 3 of the dishwasher glass holding sticks fit inside one of these glasses. Crack…

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Quite cheesy

I think I need to wash these jeans now.  And does anyone know how to remove parmesan stink from an office?  I’m hoping dog licks can do the trick.

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