Extra stuff Archives | Page 5 of 6 | Eduardo Briceño
CategoryExtra stuff


Meditative State

I’ve found that Texas helps me cultivate a meditative state of mind, especially in the check-out lines at the grocery store.  The check-out staff works slowwwwwly, at least compared to California and New York.  They’re in no rush.  They are also very friendly.  They ask you what you’re doing this …

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Essential things

Here’s what I have learned after living for a month in a $38/night hotel room with my wife and dog:– we can live in small quarters.  I think we could live in this hotel room permanently (and it’d be cheaper than rent… 🙂 ).– there are hotel rooms in Texas …

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Euphorbia invasion

Shortly after we moved to San Carlos, a plant emerged from the ground. I love the way it looks and I love that we didn’t water it for two years and it survived. Apparently it’s a Euphorbia: A couple of years ago I noticed that in the Spring the plant …

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sleep vs bed time

Cool graph showing my total sleep as a function of bed time.  For me, bed time is key!  Now I need to figure out whether there’s a relationship between sleep and absentmindedness…

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Is that a comb in your pocket?

A long time ago Allison and I realized that having separate bathrooms would be good for our marriage.  But this morning I showered in Allison’s bathroom because we’re doing work in the bathroom downstairs.  When I came out of the shower, in my bathrobe, Allison was in the bathroom by …

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Really? For Here?

When did airport food become so delicious?  Fantastic “El Presidente Burrito” with chicken and shrimp (though the shrimp was a bit over the top).  Pretty big plate.  But when I finished it I wasn’t satisfied, so I ordered a quesadilla.  I overheard the woman behind the counter asking the man …

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