Clueless Archives | Page 4 of 7 | Eduardo Briceño



“I’m leaving for work.  Can you please turn off the dryer in 20 minutes?”, said the wife. So I set my alarm for 20 minutes and when it went off, I turned off the dryer.  Yes!  I nailed it.  Or so I thought. When Allison got home she got mad …

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Dryer adventures

You may have had to be there, but we laughed a lot with this: We bought a used dryer, and then realized that we needed an adapter to plug the 3-prong electric cable to the 4-prong wall outlet.  So we went to home depot and asked for an adapter.  The …

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Wrong seat?

As we’re boarding a plane, a guy went to take his seat and someone else was seating there. They figured out that one of them was in the wrong airplane! 5 minutes later, one of the flight attendants announced: “this flight is going to Baltimore, if you’re John X, please …

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Spot It

Unbeknownst to me, 30 minutes before my flight this morning I was playing Spot It with Hayden and Keira in the South Bay, 45 minutes from the airport. I don’t know why I thought my flight was at 10am when it was at 7:30am. Oops. Extra points: when I got …

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Almost pulled a Sharat

The day before my business trip, I have to work at Allison’s office in the afternoon after I move all my stuff out of the hotel room.  But between most of our stuff being in storage and having packed for an upcoming 11-day trip, I ran out of dress socks.  …

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3am Mariachi

One or two nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and heard some faint Mexican music.  We’re staying in an extended stay hotel, so I figured a guest, but probably not one right next to us since the music sounded far away, was playing music in …

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Look, what a coincidence!

Allison: “let’s go to the second mattress store, check out the mattresses there, and then make a decision on what mattress to buy.” Me: “ok.” So we got in the car and Allison set the GPS to the second mattress store she wanted to go to.  When we got there, …

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