Wife Archives | Page 7 of 10 | Eduardo Briceño


Your husband is cheap

Allison and I were in town running some errands and I went to the drycleaners while she went to the shoe repairman (I had lost a piece of sole/heel running around from flight to flight last weekend). I asked Allison to ask the shoe repairman to fix the shoe.  But …

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13 hours!

Allison slept 13 hours last night!  🙂 (the prior night we took a red-eye coming back from vacationing in Hawaii and when we arrived she pretty much went straight to teaching the first class of the summer session to a group of 20 teachers).  (I wonder when she’ll be convinced …

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Did you read to me?

We went to bed pretty tired, but Allison wanted me to read to her, so I did.  (We are reading together Washington Square).  After about 10 minutes I noticed she was sound asleep so I put the book away and turned off the light, which woke her up.  She woke …

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Happy birthday Hayden!

Allison was the first one to call Hayden for his sixth birthday.  Her thinking went like this: Thought #1: it’s Hayden’s birthday today! Thought #2: They’re in Hawaii now. It’s 7am here in the Bay Area and it is a 3 hour difference, so it must be 10am over there, …

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Double first-time double-take

Today I was brushing my teeth when Allison IM’d me via Google Hangout.  My phone was in front of me, so I video-chatted her back to see her face.  (this trip of hers to Belize was the first time I ever video chatted on Google Hangout from a phone).  So …

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I don’t trust my wife

I don’t trust my wife.  Not with the alarm clock. Trust with an alarm clock requires 3 things:– that she has the best intentions (check)– that she’s competent to operate an alarm clock (no check)– that she has the resources needed to get the job done (check) 2 out of …

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announcing cash

“I feel uncomfortable carrying all this cash around” is what Allison announced to the streets, with people walking around her, when we were coming out of the bank… (then she realized she shouldn’t have said that). (she had just taken out a few hundred dollars for her trip to Belize…) …

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keep the hose away from the husband

Allison and I took our regular roles when bathing Rosie.  Allison managed the water and soap and I held Rosie in place. When Allison was done with the body she asked me to switch roles for me to clean Rosie’s face.  Bad move.  Allison’s shirt and skirt ended up pretty …

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