What am I doing? Archives | Page 4 of 7 | Eduardo Briceño
CategoryWhat am I doing?


Quick change of battery

Allison and I are both traveling.  I called her after I left a conference and got in the car to go see a friend (called her using a bluetooth headset).  We were talking about our days when I came to a stop light.  Since I had very little battery left …

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“That was quick!”

At the hotel reception: me: “I got myself locked out of my room.  Can I please have another key? hotel reception dude: “that was quick!” (I had just gotten to the room and was unpacking the car… no respect…)  🙂

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“I have Rosie”

I drove 5 1/2 hours today from Dallas to Houston.  On the way, I was supposed to leave our dog Rosie at PetSmart to stay at the “pet hotel”.  When I got to Houston, I texted Allison saying I was in Houston and that I had forgotten to leave Rosie …

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Is something burning?

Allison came out of the bedroom (which is in the opposite side of the house as the kitchen, and where she was on a conference call since earlier I was making too much noise making smoothies) asking “is something burning?”. Yes, something was burning.  My pasta.  I hadn’t smelled it …

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At Starbucks, after being on the lookout for 10 minutes, I finally found a table by a power outlet.  I asked Allison to move with me, which we did.  Then I sat down and looked for my computer power cord in my backpack, but there was no power cord in …

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Ben & Jerry’s juice

Allison woke up this morning, opened up the refrigerator, and saw there the ice cream we bought last night, in the fridge rather than freezer.  We’ll see what happens after it gets frozen again… will it be solid ice, liquid, or back to deliciousness? (I went to take a picture …

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