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Fit to judge?

Last night I was a judge in the semi-final rounds of the BASES social entrepreneurship competition.  I left chatting with the two other judges.  The three of us were already outside the building, walking toward the parking garage, when I stopped and said: oops… I left my bag in the …

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Amazon returns

Today the ‘1’ key in the keyboard I recently bought on Amazon stopped working.  I can’t really work with an unreliable ‘1’ key.  So I set to return it for a replacement.  I did what I needed to do on Amazon, printed the forms, found the original box and another …

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The Keys Dance at the Consulate

Today as we were leaving the Brazilian Consulate in San Francisco, where we went to get our visas for the summer, I asked Allison “where are my keys?”.  She smiled, thinking I was kidding.  But I wasn’t. I looked in the bathroom at the consulate, on the seats where we …

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Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you

Email from Wife’s friend to group including wife: Is anyone interested in/planning on going to this?  Looks like it would be $40 for us.  I am thinking about it so let me know if you want to come with!~ Lara P.S. Allison, is your husband one of the speakers?? Email …

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Running car

“I went outside our house today and saw that Ed’s car was running.  But we had just watched a movie so I knew it had been running for at least a couple hours”, Allison told our friends.  “When I asked Ed about it he ran outside to turn the car …

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