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On the way to the supermarket

For a few days I’ve been meaning to go to the dry cleaners to pick up some shirts. Today, I decided to stop there on the way to the supermarket. When I got to the dry cleaners, I realized I didn’t have any shirts to pick up, but I did …

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Power Wife

Allison and I landed in Miami and had a two-hour layover before our next flight, so we had a sit-down breakfast, taking our time.  After breakfast, we went to our second gate and when I went to plug in my phone and computer, I realized I didn’t have my Belkin …

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Last night the door bell rang.  I opened the door and it was my wife.  She had left all her keys in her office.  That included the keys to her office, our home, and her car.  She’s locked out of all three. This morning she asked for my keys to …

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Hotel key almost

We were in the hotel room at the Big Sur Lodge when Allison said “I’ll be right back. I’m taking my key.” and she showed me the key she was taking.  Almost immediately after she walked out of the room, there was a knock on the door.  Her hotel room …

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Quite a target

On Tuesday, Allison went to Target to buy a few things for our weekend trip.  She picked up fruits, wine, bread, power bars, and a few other things, and proceeded to check out.  She waited in line.  When it was her turn to pay, she realized she had left her …

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Roy’s parking meter

The internet was down at home so I went to work at Roy’s Coffee.  I parked right in front of the coffee shop and I noticed that the street was metered, so I checked that I had quarters, which I had.  Then I set my phone alarm for 2 hours …

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ParkSFO Heroine

A few days ago, I had to change my return flight from a business trip to come to a different airport than the one I left from.  A couple of days later Allison and I drove 40 minutes to pick up my car near my departing airport (SFO), and when …

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Water bottle’s 9th life

Of course that even in an in-and-out “helicopter” trip not seeing anybody else, I couldn’t visit the Bay Area and not visit Pancho.  So I parked the car, went across the street, stood in line for about ~5-10 minutes to order and pay, and then I realized I didn’t have …

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