Lost Archives | Page 4 of 6 | Eduardo Briceño


Quite lost

This fisherman brings being lost to a whole new level:http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/04/us-pacific-castaway-idUSBREA121L720140204

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It may be on the driveway???

I woke up today and called Allison, who was at the airport leaving for Ohio.  She said: Oh, I’m glad you’re calling, I was just texting you to call me when you woke up.  I have a favor to ask you.  You’re not going to like it.  I can’t find …

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Locked out of the hotel

Coming back to the extended stay hotel from my morning run, I went to open the outside building door but realized I didn’t have the needed room key.  I could have sworn I took the key out of my wallet and put it in my pocket.  Hoping the folks at …

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Clean bluetooth

I’m traveling tomorrow and my favorite bluetooth headset has been missing for a couple days.  I was hoping it would appear today. Allison was doing laundry and called me into the laundry room.  There was music playing from the washer or dryer, it seemed, and she didn’t know where it …

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No trails around here

Allison and I are in Bethesda, MD.  I tagged along.  This morning Allison asked in the lobby where we could run to and the lady said there were no beautiful places around here but gave her a map and a street loop to do.  So I followed Allison while focusing …

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can’t find my Nobel Prize

Daniel Kahneman was being interviewed in his home and was asked whether they gave him a physical price when he won the Nobel Prize in Economics.  He said yes, and that he could show it to the interviewer, then went into his bedroom and started looking in drawers, but he …

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bye bye xmas warmth

Allison asked for and got a cool jacket for xmas which had become her favorite. It’s now gone.  Bye bye.  She lost it, probably at USF when she went there to present on her dissertation At least Spring is coming, and graduation!  (hopefully that won’t mean more presentations with more …

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Leading the way from baggage pickup

Scene at the airport baggage claim after Allison picked up her parents:Allison: Now off to the parking lot.  It’s easiest to take the elevator upstairs.  Follow me.Fran (Allison’s mom): But that sign says we have to take the escalators downstairs.Allison: I live here.  Follow me.(the three of them take the …

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