Clumsy Archives | Page 5 of 5 | Eduardo Briceño


Biggest concern

This weekend I’m giving a TEDx talk in L.A.  The biggest challenge is that I’m the last speaker of the day, which maximizes opportunity to spill all kinds of things on myself before the four professional videographers focus on me…  cross our fingers.

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Beloved 24oz gone

Oh no… my last beloved 24oz smoothie glass… forever gone… or maybe I can patch it…  🙂 Punishment: more frequent trips to the fridge. Note to self: do not fill up watering can in the sink when there are glasses under the watering can.

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Bouncing beer glass

Apparently Devil’s Canyon beer glasses are VERY sturdy.  I dropped one onto the sidewalk, from full standing/walking position, on our way to their Last Friday of the Month hangout and it bounced a few times on the concrete, with only a minor crack at the bottom to show for it …

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